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Florida's Newest Wreck Dive: Lady Luck, Formally Known as the Newtown Creek
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The Newtown Creek, a 324 foot tanker vessel, has arrived in South Florida and will soon be sunk in late July as an artificial reef 1 ½ miles off Pompano Beach’s shore. This ship will be one of the biggest contributions to Florida's artificial reef system and one of the most easily accessible major dive sites in the nation. The ship will be the centerpiece of what will become known as Shipwreck Park, surrounded by 16 other existing wrecks covered with marine life. Shipwreck Park will be a unique underwater cultural arts park with rotating underwater art exhibits. The ship will include specific themes, exciting underwater events, artwork and rotating art exhibits to create a unique dive experience for local and international tourists.
This tanker ship which is longer than a football field was sold by the City of New York to The Shipwreck Park, Inc., a private 501 (C)(3) corporation, at a greatly reduced price. Shipwreck Park, Inc. has received sponsorship from the City of Pompano Beach and the Isle Casino Racing Pompano Park for the purchase, towing, cleanup, installation of artworks, and sinking of the ship. The ship was towed from New York to a facility on the Miami River for cleanup and installation of artwork before the sinking.
Pompano Beach artist Dennis MacDonald was hired to create several fun and unique underwater displays, including a casino theme for the ship deck. The art displays will include a swim-through cascade of gigantic dice, great for photo opportunities, as part of the Isle Casino Racing Pompano Park sponsorship.