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Neoprene, Or Scuba Fashion, Is Trending Right Now

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Neoprene is a synthetic rubber that's often used to make wetsuits, hence its alternative name "scuba." It's also used in electrical insulation and drum practice pads, but don't let the industrial uses scare you off. Neoprene has become increasing popular as a material to wear on the street (not just in the sea) because many of the qualities that make it great for use in factories, like stain resistance and general durability, make it great for clothing, too.

The fabric is thick and doesn't breathe, making neoprene a perfect addition to your winter wardrobe, and the thickness also allows for creation of structured pieces that look out of this world. The weight of neoprene also means form-fitting skirts and dresses are more forgiving. You'll never run the risk that your bodycon skirt or tight leggings are accidentally a little bit see-through. The material is always opaque, and its resiliency means it doesn't really stretch out. Neoprene also holds photorealistic patterns well, so it's not uncommon to see huge florals or intricate pattens splattered all over a dress or a sweatshirt. Did I also mention it's incredibly comfortable.


If all these benefits of neoprene aren't enough to convince you to buy all scuba everything, here are 15 pieces of clothing — from a jumpsuit to knee-high boots — that should do the trick.

The Pencil Skirt 

Form-fitting and floral, this neoprene bodycon skirt will still provide full coverage.

The Psychedelic Dress

The pairing of this photorealistic, psychedelic patten on a relatively conservatively cut collared dress is eye-catching, making the fabric almost an afterthought. But surprise — it’s neoprene!


The little black dress can also benefit from the scuba treatment. The darts on this dress, combined with the unique fabric, add structure to an otherwise simple shift.

The Booties

These boots are straight out of Zenon: Girl Of The 21st Century, but the fact that neoprene is water-resistant makes this futuristic footwear actually practical.

The Swimsuit

You can’t have a slideshow of neoprene clothing without featuring at least one swimsuit, and this bikini from Australian brand Triangl is scuba fabric at its best.

The Skater Dress

Because neoprene is thick, it can hold pleats that would collapse with any other fabric, as demonstrated by this gravity-defying H&M dress.

The Jumpsuit

If you’re ready to take the next step and go all in on neoprene, this sleek floral jumpsuit is for you. (Matching mules are optional.)

The Flared Skirt

Using an unconventional fabric doesn’t mean the cut and color have to be unconventional, too, as proven by this flared skirt from Lauren Ralph Lauren in a muted navy.

The Bodycon

You can go full-on glam with this bodycon and boldly printed tank dress, while never worrying about accidentally showing too much.

The Sweatshirt

The neoprene sweatshirt with a colorful photorealistic print is about as classic as neoprene gets, with celebs like Rita Ora rocking the dressed-down look. This one comes in a camo-style print with a matching flouncy skirt.

The Blazer

This loosely structured blazer also comes in black and navy for a slightly more traditional look that still has an edge.

The Knee-Highs

These knee-high 90s-style boots with a chunky heel are given a modern twist with neoprene. The patent leather toe is a perfect accent to offset the fabric.

The Sweat-Shirt

This shirt from Zara is a more structured version of the classic neoprene sweatshirt.

The Dainty Skirt

The dainty yet intricate laser-cuts show the versatility of the material and add a ton of visual interest to an otherwise straightforward blue dress. This is neoprene your mom would approve of.

The Tapered Pants

These versatile, colorful pants could be worn to the office with a crisp white shirt and blazer, but they’d look right at home on a style blog, too.



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Guest Monday, 10 March 2025

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2013Join us March 7, 2015 at the Bryant Student Center, Carteret Community College, Morehead City in support of the East Carolina Artificial Reef Association.  Click here for more info on this great event and how you can help to bring more Wrecks to the Graveyard of the Atlantic.