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25 New Year's Resolutions Only Scuba Divers Make

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It's that time of the year again, folks. The time where we all vow to improve ourselves — one way or another — and get a fresh start with the onset of a new year! You've heard the repeat offenders (and probably made them yourself, be honest): lose weight, quit smoking, eat healthier, save money, drink less... the list goes on. So here at Scuba Diving magazine, we decided to come up with a list of our own! You know you're a diver when...

A Diver's List of New Year's Resolutions


  1. I will stop taking so many underwater selfies.
  2. I will stop calling freedivers "snorkelers" behind their back.
  3. I will visit a new local dive site.
  4. I will dive more often to help manage stress.
  5. I will stop exaggerating the size of that whale shark I saw that one time (EVEN THOUGH IT WAS HUGE).
  6. I'll stop referring to the beginners on the boat as "chum."
  7. I will find a new dive buddy — but forever love my old one.
  8. I will not have any drinks the night before a dive.
  9. I will get another certification: Advanced, Nitrox, Cave Diving, Wreck Diving....
  10. I will ACTUALLY take that refresher course this year.
  11. I will finally edit all of my underwater video footage.
  12. I will learn a new skill. Maybe underwater photography....
  13. I'll exchange my mother-in-law's gift certificate for a shark-feeder program.
  14. I will take part in a Dive Against Debris.
  15. I will stop peeing in my wetsuit when my buddy is swimming under me.
  16. I will not laugh every time somebody on a dive boat uses the words "safety sausage" or "offgas".
  17. I will finally start saving for my dream dive destination.
  18. I will subscribe to Scuba Diving magazine. ;)
  19. I will attend a diving-related function.
  20. I will stop tugging on sharks' fins with my one good hand.
  21. I will join a local diving club.
  22. I will update my equipment.
  23. I will encourage my family to dive.
  24. I will come back in the same dive boat I left in.
  25. I will practice my emergency skills at least twice this year.


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Guest Wednesday, 12 March 2025

U/W Bike Race

eventsiconJoin us on July 4th for this annual event benefitting the Children's Mile of Hope.

Lionfish Roundup

eventsiconAn exciting partnership between Discovery Diving, NOAA, and Carteret Community College.

Treasure Hunt

eventsiconFood, prizes, diving, and fun! Proceeds benefit the Mile Hope Children's Cancer Fund and DAN's research in diving safety.


2013Join us March 7, 2015 at the Bryant Student Center, Carteret Community College, Morehead City in support of the East Carolina Artificial Reef Association.  Click here for more info on this great event and how you can help to bring more Wrecks to the Graveyard of the Atlantic.