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Ocean Art Underwater Photo competition now open – $75000 of prizes to be won
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The Underwater Photography Guide is now accepting entries for the 5th annual Ocean Art competition. Prizes worth over $75000 are on offer in 15 categories giving underwater photographers of all levels a chance to win.
For the less experienced photographers there are novice, compact camera and mirror-less camera categories. Then there are the wide-angle, macro, marine life portraits and marine life behaviour. More unusually, this competition also features categories of supermacro, cold or temperate water and nudibranchs.

Winners from each category will be able to choose which resort, liveaboard or gear prizes they would most like to receive, making it more likely that winners will be able to win something they really covet. The prizes include liveaboards to Raja Ampat, the Solomon Islands and Fiji; diving resort packages at Papua New Guinea, Bali, Philippines, Roatan, Palau and elsewhere; and gift vouchers for photographic equipment.

Judges include world-renowned underwater photographers Tony Wu, Martin Edge, Marty Snyderman and Scott Gietler. Martin Edge is the author of The Underwater Photographer, one of the most useful books on underwater photography ever published. Marty Snyderman is an Emmy winner with work appearing in top publications like National Geographic. Tony Wu is the author of Silent Symphony whilst Scott Gietler is the owner the Underwater Photography Guide.

Photos must be submitted before the deadline on 24 November 2015.

More information and entry forms can be found on the Ocean Art Photo Competition page at http://www.uwphotographyguide.com/ocean-art